Location: Pool room- left of entrance
Price: Free
Speed: Medium
Lighting: Ok
Cueing: Have to use shorter cue on certain shots-which is provided.
Notes: Has table football in same room.
Location: College bar
Price: 1x20p
Speed: Medium
Lighting: Good
Cueing: No obstructions
Notes: Cushions have no bounce, table often covered in drink stains.
Location: JCR
Price: Free
Speed: Slow
Lighting: Very bad
Cueing: No obstructions
Location: Bar
Price: 2x20p
Speed: Slow
Lighting: Good
Cueing: Obstruction on side next to window
Notes: 2 tables.
Location: Bar
Price: 1x50p
Speed: Medium
Lighting: Good
Cueing: Shelf on left-hand side (from top cushion)
© 2006-2013 CUPC
This site was designed by Rob Cork and Rob Hogan, and is maintained by Jeremi Miller on behalf of Cambridge University Pool Club.
Please report any errors, broken links etc. to Jeremi (email jrm224).