Cambridge University Pool Club

CAPL AGM meeting - what we want?????

Posted by Luke Gleave 
CAPL AGM meeting - what we want?????
February 25, 2009 01:27PM
Hi guys,

After many heated disscussions on the CAPL forum, I seem to have got nowhere. It is important that we decide whether we want change and what change we want. The AGM is in a couple of weeks and we have to send a request in writing to the committee if we want a vote to be made on a change in the constitution. Changes I recommend are....

1. Uni-B are guaranteed the to be in the division that they would be in if they had played the summer. This would usually invovle relagating three teams, but this is still fair since three will have been promoted. The division involved would be made fully aware of the situation.

2. A bye is put into the division where Uni-B should be. The committee doesn't really like this since people hate not being able to play pool on a thursday.

3. Make the summer and winter leagues seperate. This would be quite a big change but on the positive side other teams may want this also.

4. Any other suggestions???????

We don't have too much time and will probabaly not get what we ask for but it's always worth a try.

I have said this all specifically for Uni-B since Uni-A managed to put out a team over summer and seem to be able to cope much better.
Re: CAPL AGM meeting - what we want?????
March 02, 2009 03:22PM
i would say:

option 1 is likely to find the most support from the other teams as it disrupts everyone else the least, but option 3 would be the most sensible in my opinion.

i think we should start a poll on the main capl board to see how much support we actually have. i'll do it, but could we all try and avoid getting into any arguments about it on there, it'll just cause trouble.
Re: CAPL AGM meeting - what we want?????
March 02, 2009 03:25PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/10/2011 01:06AM by Luke Gleave.
Re: CAPL AGM meeting - what we want?????
March 02, 2009 05:13PM
I think the most sensible thing would be to put a clause in along the lines of Option 1. People won't like the fact that it is specifically for students, but if there was another team in a similar position they could make the same argument. I see no reason to specify Uni B or Uni A, since the A team may be made up entirely of undergraduates in say 3 years time.

Exception for University Pool Teams

The University teams are in a unique position in the CAPL. The majority of players are students that are not around during the summer months, which often makes it impossible for them to field a team in the summer. Given this unique situation, it is proposed that, in the case where the University teams are unable to field a team in the summer league due to lack of players, said University teams should have their spots guaranteed so that they are in the same division as they would be if they had played in the summer. The University teams need as high a level of competition as possible, and automatic relegation over the summer means it is only ever possible for the concerned teams to stay in the same division or go down.

To be as fair as possible to other teams in the division, three teams should still be promoted and three teams should be relegated. The division involved should be made fully aware of the situation in advance.
Re: CAPL AGM meeting - what we want?????
March 02, 2009 05:23PM
2 points i would make against chrismurrays post but won't cos i will end up creating an argument...

1. uni-b may look like they are doing bad on the table however this is mainly due to our game in hand. we have beaten the three teams we have left in the first half of the season, 8-4, 8-4, and a walkover (they were scared of us ;-) ).

if we were to win these three matches again then we would almost certainly finish top on 'frames for' even if the other top teams win all their remaining games.

this is not ideal given our previous position of 3pts ahead at the top, but in my opinion i think we have a good chance of winning the league.

2. this rule is for the uni only, but could be applied to other teams with the same problems. the only team i can think of would be an anglia ruskin team, and pretty much everyone i know at anglia ruskin lives in cambridge anyway.

i like the sound of the clause btw.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/10/2011 01:07AM by Luke Gleave.
Re: CAPL AGM meeting - what we want?????
March 02, 2009 05:24PM

whether uni-b get promoted or not is not important. as i said in my email - atm we can be put anywhere. a little bit of security would be nice.
Re: CAPL AGM meeting - what we want?????
March 02, 2009 05:31PM
this is what the constitution says.

i think monkey would be happy to second our proposal.

the AGM is on the 26th of March so we would need something in writing to chris by the 12th.

01. An AGM will be held to elect a Committee for the forthcoming Season (Summer or Winter) and to consider
any changes to the Constitution. The League Secretary will publicise the exact date well in advance.
02. Each registered team present at the AGM and also each Committee Member present at the AGM will be
allowed one vote on any motions debated at the AGM, except the Chairman who has the casting vote if
03. The representative of each registered team will be given a voting card at the GM. No person can represent
more than one team.
04. The AGM will elect a Committee to manage all business appertaining to the C.A.P.L., consisting of a
Chairman, League Secretary, Treasurer and eight other members, all of who must be registered to play for
a team during their period of office.
05. The League Secretary must receive nominations for any Committee post in writing at least 14 days before
the appropriate AGM. If however there are places on the Committee left unfilled (due to resignations etc.)
the AGM can nominate any person present on the night.
06. The Chairman, League Secretary & Treasurer must be members of the retiring Committee and will be
elected first. If no nominations for these posts are received from the existing Committee, and the existing
officers are willing to continue, then a simple show of voting cards will return them to office. Chairman for 2
years, Secretary & Treasurer for 2 years staggered by 1 year.
07. If there are eight people standing for the remaining eight Committee places then a simple majority by show
of voting cards will return them to office.
08. In the event of more than eight people standing for the remaining eight Committee places, then a vote will
be called for.
09. Motions to change the Constitution for the forthcoming season must be received in writing by the League
Secretary at least 14 days before the relevant AGM. Motions must be seconded by a person from a venue
other than that of the proposer. The League Secretary will distribute these motions to all registered teams
before the date of the AGM. No new motions will be accepted at the AGM.
10. The proposer or his/her nominee has the right to address the AGM on his/her motion. The motion will then
be debated.
11. Amendments to motions will be accepted at the AGM. Should any amendment be proposed a free vote
would be taken to determine the final motion.
All clubs/pubs must abide by the Constitution as
Re: CAPL AGM meeting - what we want?????
March 02, 2009 09:15PM
i'm not going to reply to anything on the forum for a few days, see whether things resolve themselves.

i think option 1 will end up being the most popular/feasible, i think the wording of it will need to be more to the point though, as the constitution seems quite regimented from what luke has posted. maybe more like:

1. It is recognised that the University teams have a unique situation that makes entering teams to the summer league potentially very difficult.
2. Any University team that cannot field a team for the summer league shall have it's placed in the next winter league guaranteed. This will be achieved by promoting an extra team from the lower division in the summer league, taking the place left by the University team, but then relegating an extra team at the end of the summer league, and giving the spare spot to the University team.
3. The University team concerned MUST notify xxx by the appropriate date that it cannot field a team, so that due notice can be given to the teams in that division BEFORE the summer league starts.

or something...?
Re: CAPL AGM meeting - what we want?????
March 02, 2009 09:33PM
I remember why option 1 is actually no so good. If you relegate three teams then all the divisions below will also have to relegate three teams :-s

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/10/2011 01:08AM by Luke Gleave.
Re: CAPL AGM meeting - what we want?????
March 03, 2009 11:54AM
It you send something in writing to Chris, then send it to all committee members independently. It can easily get misplaced or lost somehow and Chris would probably just tell us that we should have made sure it was in 14 days in advance and it's our own tough luck that he lost it.

I'm not cynical really. tongue sticking out smiley
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