Emma 1 | Score | Peterhouse 2 |
rdm51 | 0-1 | pb287 |
lh492 | 1-0 | mss53 |
thm36 | 0-1 | ad613 |
gl376 | 0-1 | wk264 |
cw531 | 0-1 | jy342 |
fjr27 | 1-0 | jk566 |
rdm51 and lh492 | 0-1 | pb287 and mss53 |
thm36 and gl376 | 1-0 | ad613 and wk264 |
cw531 and fjr27 | 0-1 | jy342 and jk566 |
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This site was designed by Rob Cork and Rob Hogan, and is maintained by Jeremi Miller on behalf of Cambridge University Pool Club.
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