Hughes/Clare | Score | Trinity 1 |
lb609 | 1-0 | cmg52 |
fss26 | 1-0 | pwn23 |
jwhk3 | 1-0 | hla27 |
is336 | 1-0 | tjsc2 |
npc31 | 0-1 | mc678 |
kj310 | 1-0 | lwk22 |
lb609 and fss26 | 0-1 | cmg52 and pwn23 |
jwhk3 and is336 | 1-0 | hla27 and tjsc2 |
kj310 and sa707 | 0-1 | mc678 and lwk22 |
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This site was designed by Rob Cork and Rob Hogan, and is maintained by Jeremi Miller on behalf of Cambridge University Pool Club.
Please report any errors, broken links etc. to Jeremi (email jrm224).