For full information and rules, please check out the Uni ladder page.
The University singles ladder is a great way to meet new people and visit different college bars, not to mention being an important tool when it comes to selection for the university teams. As Varsity approaches, a deadline will be announced at which time the players occupying the top 6 positions on the ladder will automatically qualify for places on the Varsity team.
Players may challenge anyone up to two rungs above them, unless you are on one of the top 5 rungs in which case you may only challenge the rung immediately above you. For example, rung 6 may challenge rung 5 or 4, but rung 5 can only challenge rung 4.
Challenges should ideally be issued via email. You could try PMing the person you are trying to reach on these forums, or making a post on this board, but email should be the most reliable and fastest method of communication. If you are having difficulty getting a challenge with someone above you, feel free to email the League Secretary or just talk about it on these boards - that's what they're here for!
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 19/08/2008 02:25AM by Rob Hogan.